Wooden uPVC Windows

Our A-rated uPVC windows are available in a range of fourteen colours, including six beautiful wood-effect styles.

Wooden windows are a classic and traditional way to upgrade your home, but can sometimes come with a hefty price tag and concerns around waterproofing and heat efficiency. If you want all the style of a wooden window with additional peace of mind, our wooden-effect uPVC windows are an excellent choice. Find out more below!

Wooden style windows

Our energy efficient uPVC windows are available in a range of fourteen colours,
including our six wooden styles:

Golden Oak

White Woodgrain

English Oak

Dark Woodgrain

Dual Cedar Grey

Dual Dark Woodgrain

Whether you’re looking for a darker wood, a warm oak, or a lighter cedar or white woodgrain our six options are a perfect choice. For additional style, our Dual Dark Woodgrain and Dual Grey Cedar shades are both dual tone windows with a beautiful white contrast against the wood.

Our Golden Oak, White Woodgrain, Dual Dark Woodgrain, and Dark Woodgrain options come as part of our Stormproof range which is where the sash overlaps the frame on the outside. Whereas our English Oak and Dual Grey Cedar frames are part of our Flush range where the sash sits flush to the frame with no overlap. If you’re not sure which option is right for you, our sales team are always happy to advise!

What other coloured window frames are available?

In total Safestyle offers fourteen colour choices for your windows. As well as the wooden shades shown above, we also offer the following colours.

Click the colours below to find out more, or see all our colours here.

Dual Anthracite Grey

Dual Agate Grey

Dual Black Ash

White Knight

Heritage White

Dual Sage Green

Dual Cream

Dual Golden Oak

Golden Oak

White Woodgrain

Dual Dark Woodgrain

English Oak

Dual Cedar Grey

Dark Woodgrain